Wednesday, January 11, 2012


So the crap just keeps getting worse. So he relapsed this week, took the money his mother gave him to buy a part to fix his brothers car and spent it on dope or weed or what ever. Then he sold her the e cigarette that I bought for him to help him quit smoking for 70, I spent 100 on it and then spent another 25 on the flavor stuff for it. Didn't ask me or anything just sold it to her. Spent all the money the 100 for the part the 70 for the e cigarette, and spent 20 that I wasn't supposed to spend out of my student loan money for gas. I'm so freaking mad right now. I went in the other room to get away from him and he comes back there and gets mad at me, and leaves. Pretty fucked up, he fucks us again and he's the one that gets mad. I'm done with this shit.